Conspiracy theorists should consider careers in fiction writing

Count me as an amused moderate

I recently read a potboiler of a conspiracy theory. Worthy of Ludlum or Cussler. It of course involves every one of the usual “liberal suspects” being behind it. It was so detailed and full of pages of so-called truths, I can only paraphrase it here.

It appears the whole COVID thing is supposedly a long double game. It was released so the national and worldwide deep state liberal conspiracy could make sure their dumb sheeple followed orders. Staying home, wearing masks, getting vaccinated etc. Of course the conservatives, the “woke” conservative news media, talking heads and politicians “saw through it” and decided not to play. The twist is, several of the conservative social media and news sources were acting as deep moles or patsies for the deep state pedophiles, continually convincing their followers not to play along. An example of this includes getting vaccinated while telling their followers don’t bother. Why?

Because sometime before or around the end of 2021 or around or after the U.S. state primaries, a “new” variant of the COVID virus will magically “appear” somewhere in the world. This one however will be like the 1919 pandemic virus that eventually became highly fatal to those who got it. They made sure the current vaccines are mostly effective against it. Because if it was fully effective, that would look suspicious. The one shot Johnson is supposed be the least effective. Supposedly because it can be deployed faster.

The infiltrated or conned conservative mouthpieces and media will continue to downplay this fatal version until it has spread to several different countries. Even if the true patriots in the media eventually shut down the traitors and change the message to warn their followers. They hope it will be too late. Because the true believers won’t initially buy this sudden, suspicious change of message from “trusted sources,” delaying them from taking precautions. Also, any possible rush by the un-vaccinated to get the shots will be “slowed” considerably by the extra injection sites being closed. Or, maybe, just a “general short term” shortage at a critical time. Again, why?

Apparently, the wild hope of the evil liberal godless commie fascist criminals is that this new variant will “take out” or incapacitate enough of the conservative voters to swing several potentially close state and national midterm elections towards the democrats, solidifying the current democrat leads. In spite of the voting legislation republicans are passing everywhere. Same goes for the “liberal parties” in several other countries around the world. Thus taking us all closer to the eventual so-called new world order. Or whatever the whacked out conspiracy people are calling “it” this week.

I wanted to post a link to this tale. Sadly after much trying, I can no longer find the page. Of course, that in itself is suspicious and adds to the veracity of this tale according to standard conspiracy philosophy.

Count me as a moderate who is continuously amused by wacky conspiracy theories from both extremes.

Bob Mitchell
