I read that in sales the first person who mentions a number is the loser and in an argument the first person who apologizes is the winner. I like to win so I will say it first — I apologize. Apparently, I was incorrect in my quote attributed to George Washington in my last letter. The website Mr. Robert DuChaine, Buckley, refers to (Letter to the Editor, Jan. 2) does indeed say that this quote is unverifiable and since the general is no longer with us and I can’t ask him about it, I stand corrected.
That being said, I must address the remainder of his response as it appears to be a matter of “if you can’t attack the message, attack the messenger.” Mr. DuChaine wrote that according to “all available verifiable evidence” teachers and staff in Israel do not carry guns, which is generally true. Reports in The New York Times, Jerusalem Review, Israel Today, National Review, Fox News (I know, I know, right-wing propaganda) and others cited while it is not the usual practice today they did in the past and still do in some parts of the country. Today, security fences and armed guards are used, like many of the schools our politicians’ kids attend. Go figure.
Mr. DuChaine’s point about how difficult it is to obtain a gun or carry permit in Israel (like in Chicago, D.C. and NYC with the highest gun-related crime in the country) strengthens the point I was attempting to make — that stricter gun laws will only burden law-abiding citizens. In case you hadn’t heard these crimes are committed by criminals, crazies and terrorist, not law-abiding citizens. Criminals, crazies and terrorist don’t obey the law. They don’t care about the law.
Mr. DuChaine wraps it all up with an attack on the NRA which shows his own anti-gun opinion which he is entitled to. He implies that my suggestion “now is not the time to do something” is just an NRA ploy. I am not a tool of the NRA, Mr. DuChaine; I’m not even a member. But I do support their work to defend our Second Amendment rights. Didn’t your mother ever tell you to calm down and think before making important decisions? Mine did…smart lady.
I am not “pro-gun.” I am “pro-constitution.” The legislation being proposed by Sen. Feinstein threatens a fundamental right in that constitution. The end result will not be safer schools and streets, but rather millions of law-abiding citizens made into instant felons. The focus of this debate needs to be on the wielder of the weapon, not on the weapon being wielded.
Tim Personius