Despite the opinion page, I won’t deprive myself of community news

I love the responses to the paper’s new ultra-right conservatives.

Mr. Benson, thanks again for your consistent letters in response to the columns by Dan Shannon, David Cannon, and Jon Buss’ letters. The voice of reason is always welcome.

Long ago I stopped reading any of the nonsense that comes from these three ultra conservative misinformation spreaders. I contemplated unsubscribing because I felt this paper should have been responsible for making Shannon and Cannon edit their own material of any non-truths. The paper edits its own work, so why not these two spreaders of manure?

However, I decided that all I had to do was read your incredible responses to their bunk, in order to know the gist of their often ridiculous opinions. I still love your responses, and do not want to miss them. They are so full of the truth and someone has to stand up to these bullies.

As far as Rich Elfers is concerned, though I sometimes do not agree with his entire point of view, at least he is not spewing non-facts and I find his columns most informative. I also decided not to deprive myself of community information. So, to both of you, keep up the good work and thanks for all the chuckles I get from you, Mr. Benson. Just sayin!

Dennie Anderson
