Don’t compare Trump supporters to cultists

I’ll be treating President-elect Biden like they treated President Trump.

Editor’s note: This letter is in response to the column “For the sake of our nation, embrace the change at the White House,” published Dec. 16.

To compare those who supported President Trump to cultists is insulting to those who read your newspaper.

If the many good things he did, like exposing those who do not appreciate our country and attempting to return employment to those able to return to this country are examples of cultism in your columnist’s mind, my question would be: The nation is governed by many of the same political persuasion as POTUS 46 will be. Is how they run their states and cities an example of what we should embrace? We have a good example of that type of government in the largest city in our state.

For one I shall treat their POTUS as they treated our POTUS.

Marvin Sundstrom
