Don’t label all Trump supporters as racist

While the column correctly points out that Trump supporters are happy with his performance and still enthusiastically support him, Mr. Elfers had to inject the liberal “lie” that Trump supporters are racist.

Editor’s note: This letter is in response to the Dec. 6 column, “Trump supporters’ attitude still the same.”

To be honest, I usually do not read opinion columns as I have found them to be liberally biased. That said, I found the title of the referenced column of interest.

While the column correctly points out that Trump supporters are happy with his performance and still enthusiastically support him, Mr. Elfers had to inject the liberal “lie” that Trump supporters are racist.

That simply is not true for the vast majority of Trump supporters.

We believe in the country as founded and hold traditional moral values, faith, life and personal liberty. We hate the divisive tactics of the left with racial division. These traditional values are not exclusive to any race or religion.

I seriously doubt if Mr. Elfers knows any “racist” Trump supporters. Mr. Elfers should be much more reticent to label those he doesn’t know or understand as racist just to promote his political agenda.

Tim Vendettouli

Bonney Lake