We, as a community, are so fortunate to have Tina McGann as a candidate for the Enumclaw School Board Position 4.
I have worked with Tina on various districtwide events and have been so impressed with her dedication and proven skills in organization, leadership and communication in addition to her genuine caring for this district’s students and their parents, and district teachers and staff. She and her husband, Jack, have three children attending Black Diamond Elementary School. She has immersed herself in her children’s school as a volunteer and in the Black Diamond Elementary School’s PTA in the roles of secretary and president.
For the past three years, she has regularly attended monthly school board meetings. Tina understands the issues and cares deeply for the future of the Enumclaw School District and the best possible education the district can offer students. She has proven that she is committed to our community and our children.
To know more about Tina, please visit www.mcgann4schools.com to see for yourself that she is the clear choice for Enumclaw School Board Position 4. My husband, Bob Horn, and I strongly endorse Tina McGann for Enumclaw School Board Position 4. We, as a community, would be so fortunate to have Tina McGann as a member of the Enumclaw School Board.
Jody Horn