Mr. H, Mr. B – I’m going to deal with both your articles at the same time in this discourse.
Guns are designed and built to kill. Cars, drugs (mostly), alcohol are not designed to kill. Seems a bit of a difference. That’s why I do not want my family around a gunnie. So, Mr. H. we need a moral standard? Whose? Or, better yet, whose interpretation of the Bible? Or, sorry Mr. Buss, the Koran. What do we do until we have your moral standard Mr. H? Arm more and more gunnies? I’m sorry Mr. H does not like the way God chose to produce Homo Sap – via evolution – but there it is. Argue with God if you want – good luck, you descendant of an ape form! (A paraphrase of “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.”)
Mr. B you claim my letters are confusing, then proceed to demonstrate you know exactly what I was writing about. Evidently my letters are not too confusing after all. Of course I blame the Repugnicans and the No Responsibility Association for another piece of gun whacko legislation. Whom else? The Dems have no backbone, as I noted before, and should long ago have done something about the appalling way the 2nd Amendment has been twisted out of shape. Which shape shifting was done long before little shrubbie wrecked a bunch more of the Constitution and its amendments.
And, as most legislators, Dems and Repugnicans both are beholden to only a couple of constituencies – the ones with buckets of money, who has the most money? Gunnies make a lot by selling to the gangs in Mexico and to lunatic groups and governments around the world. So us wimpy Dems do what the Repugs do – take the money and sell out.
Now, another issue. As I’ve said before and you missed, how in the world do you use a gun to protect yourself? A gun is a splendid offensive weapon but for defense? Now sir, (remember?) when you are in the woods, or anywhere you “need” a gun to protect your terrified self, remember, you need to have that gun in your hand, pointed in all directions at once, cocked and loaded. All the time. While you’re looking 360 degrees around and over you. All the time. Otherwise a baddie will step out from behind a tree, a cougar will drop on you, a bear will show up, etc. Gee, it’s so scary maybe I should drive my tank up there to protect me from your gun!
OK, that was a cheap “shot.” I still think, Mr. B, we should meet for a beer. Bet we’d both enjoy it, if we can keep the shouting down. I occasionally attend a Drinking Liberally group in Tacoma and even though we’re all Liberal Dems we have some rousing discussions. So how about a beer? (Or, in my case brie and a good wine.)
Daniel Hussein Scribner