GPD may be high but poverty levels still rising | Letter to the Editor

As Benjamin Disraeli or Mark Twain stated, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics." The following statistics may cause more glazed eyes than doughnuts at the local bakery, but here goes.

As Benjamin Disraeli or Mark Twain stated, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.” The following statistics may cause more glazed eyes than doughnuts at the local bakery, but here goes.

Richard Elfers’ column (Courier-Herald, July 27) pointedly stated Donald Trump’s slogan to Make America Great Again is more nostalgia than reality – Trump was speaking to the economy, etc. The columnist then indicated that China’s “GDP per capita… (is) $7,590 while the U.S. per capita is eight times greater.” A bit more research and he would have garnered the data that China’s growth rose threefold from $2,069 in 2006 to $7,590 in 2015. Did the United States increase anywhere near that much? Simple answer, “no.” Although the U.S. per capital is greater than China’s, the average middle class American worker has lost $1,000 to $4,000 in earnings during the present administration, depending on the survey.

From 2009-14 the poverty level has increased from 43.6 million people to 46.7. Is that Bush’s fault? The poorest one-fifth of our citizens saw its income drop 8 percent, and 81 percent of the U.S. counties have a lower median income than 15 years ago. In 2015 the Gross Domestic Product was growing at 3.3 percent but as of this July it is at 1.2 percent. Is this the course our nation should foster? Enough stats!

Question: Do you want to maintain the status quo? Or do you want a change? The upcoming presidential election offers you a maintenance candidate and one who will change the business-as-usual in government. The septic Congressional system accomplishes little and needs to be shaken at the roots. Be sure to vote in November.

George Terhaar
