Hearing tests for Republican Congress

Republicans in Congress should have their hearing tested; surely the socialized health care that we, the taxpayers, fund for them would cover such a test.

Republicans in Congress should have their hearing tested; surely the socialized health care that we, the taxpayers, fund for them would cover such a test. I suggest this because the Republican members keep repeating the lies and misconceptions that they spewed before President Obama gave his speech to the full Congress on Sept. 9. Briefly, a few points I heard loudly and clearly are:

1) President Obama will not sign a bill that does not guarantee that all Americans have health care coverage.

2) President Obama will not sign a bill that increases the deficit, now or in the future.

3) The status quo is unacceptable, with insurance companies denying people for pre-existing conditions, dropping clients for becoming ill and with rapidly-rising costs.

4) All Americans deserve affordable, accessible health care. It must be a right and not a luxury based on ability to pay.

5) Nothing in any of the proposed bills provides funding for abortions, illegal immigrants or death panels.

I have heard Republicans in Congress claim that none of their constituents want health care for all. Really? As a matter of fact, but not a surprise, some Republicans are benefitting financially for their stand against health care reform, such as Rep. Dave Reichert, Eighth Congressional District in Washington, who reportedly received $434,000 from insurance companies. I am one of his constituents and I have written to him four times to let him know that he does not represent me. He has not responded.

Yes, Republicans in Congress need to have their hearing checked, get a cure for their selective hearing condition, get hearing aids if needed and then begin to listen to the Democrats in Congress. And, start to hear the common people out here, who are suffering the consequences of an unfair, unsustainable health care mess. Yes, our doctors and nurses provide wonderful medical care in the United States, but for tens of thousands of American citizens it cannot be utilized. This situation must change.

Incidentally, I am certain that plenty of Republicans are enjoying the benefits from other socialized programs already in place, such as Medicare, Medicaid and the Veterans Administration.

Right now, health care is a right for millions of citizens already, through these optional programs and others.

Taxpayers are already paying for uninsured people in expensive emergency rooms, instead of providing care before a crisis. Let us make our country healthier, leaving no one out. Let us help the less fortunate, as Christianity and all major religions teach their followers. Let us do the right thing for our country, even if it is difficult.

In November of 2008, the American people voted overwhelmingly for President Barack Obama. We voted for change.

After eight years of neglect by Republican President Bush, who was on vacation for 977 days, (which is more than two and one-half years) during his reign, the American people are starved for attention. Health care insurance reform is a great place to begin.

Thank you, Democrats in Congress for supporting health care for all Americans.

Barbara Andrews

Bonney Lake