It’s time for public to stand up and be heard


The massive spending spree that the Democrats want, starting with the $800 billion-plus stimulus bill earlier this year and only went to massive size businesses. Did it help the economy? Did it stop the job losses? Now they want to burden Americans with a government-managed healthcare plan. It is estimated this will cost $2,300 per family each year for the next 10 years. Then the Democrats want to pass a cap and trade bill which will cost each family in America somewhere between $1,700 to $5,000 per year in higher fees, taxes and increased cost to produce everything. This one will kill millions of jobs.

Democrats have always wanted America to be a more socialist country and have only been able to move us slowly into socialism.Right now the Democrats own the Senate, House and the White House and are currently driving America to socialism at

60 mph.

There is only one state in America that has been under complete Democrat control for over 40 years. That state is Michigan, a huge union population that has great influence on elected officials (like the WEA here in Washington). This has given Democrats full control of that state for 40-plus years.

In Detroit, Mich., the average house can be purchased for under $8,000. Those collecting unemployment checks are about 20 percent. Of course the number of unemployed is much higher because the government only counts the unemployed as those receiving a check from the government. Funny how you aren’t counted if the government isn’t giving you assistance.

Washington state has been under Democratic control for many years and no one talks about it, but we are in debt at a higher percentage than California per capita. That means in Washington state our Democrat-controlled state is spending more per person than they are in California. Do we really want our state and our entire country to become like Michigan? Really? Is that what we want?

Sitting on your butts watching “Biggest Loser” won’t help you or America. Contact politicians and tell them what you think. Someone is telling them they want socialism, Marxism and communism. Is that really what Americans want? I say hell no. Stand up and be heard before that truck hits you at 60 mph.

Ted DeVol
