Judge offers vote of support for judicial candidate

Frequently people ask me if I can give some guidance to voters on judicial races. This year, I have a strong recommendation: Judge Darrell E. Phillipson.

Judge Phillipson is a veteran judge serving the public for 20 years in King County District Court. He is not only an excellent judge in the courtroom, he is a leader among judges. A partial list of Judge Phillipson’s accomplishments include: King County District Court’s first presiding judge; founder of the first domestic violence court in the state of Washington (used as a model for other courts in Washington state and elsewhere); author of a plan which successfully reorganized King County District Court, reducing courthouses and reducing the number of judges and support staff, resulting in savings to taxpayers.

Judge Phillipson has numerous other accomplishments and a list of supporters which can be viewed on his website: www.darrellphillipson.com. I invite you to view the website for further information.

Please vote wisely. I strongly recommend that you vote for Darrell Phillipson for King County District Court Judge.

Rick Bathum
