Letter to the Editor: America has bigger issues than selfish abortions

Reader Mark Akers asks why “a woman’s right to choose” ranks higher than illegal immigration and drug trafficking.

After the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, national news reported that Jacqueline Marsaw, who worked as a field director of Rep. Bennie Thompson, was fired after stating that she wished the shooter had lessons and, “Don’t miss next time”. Her boss, Thompson, reportedly had introduced a bill prior to the shooting that would have stripped Trump of his Secret Service protection (such as it was).

Fast forward to the DNC where free abortions were offered outside of the convention. To me the connection is pretty obvious. If human life is disposable in the minds of Ms. Marsaw and untold numbers of like-minded Democrats, what difference does it make if you are 78 year old former President or a child developing in his or her mother’s body?

This letter is not intended to change the vote of the vast majority of people eligible to select our next group of lawmakers.

I do hope to influence the thinking of the small number of people who may have a problem with the millions of illegal immigrants and the drug trafficking, human trafficking (including the sale of children’s bodies to pedophiles), and violent crime due to an open southern border, out of control inflation and a failing public educational system, yet somehow feel “a woman’s right to choose” outweighs all of the above.

It is no wonder to me that those in favor of abortion on demand fail to finish the phrase: “A woman’s right to choose to end the life of an innocent human being”. How did abortion industry convinced several generations to believe that until a child is out of the womb and breathing it is disposable, if the woman carrying the child decides that is the case? I find hard to understand is how a kid can get through 9th grade biology without being taught that when conception occurs a new life is created. At least that’s what they were teaching us when I went through that class. Maybe we are back to that issue of a sub-par educational system.

If I were to tailor my audience to a smaller group of readers I would focus on a Bible-believing Christian. The prophet Jeremiah was told by his Creator, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you”. I don’t believe he was unique, at least in that regard. God has a plan for each of us. I don’t believe that any of us has the right to destroy another person’s life just because it may inconvenience us.

We’ve seen what has happened when we have determined that the life of a child is worthless until it’s born. The logical extension of that mentality is that all life is worthless unless it somehow benefits me, especially if it’s a child dependent on me for its survival. We’ve already seen it lead to arguments in favor of infanticide and euthanasia. I shudder to think of the direction this country will take if people willfully vote so selfishly.

Mark Akers
