I am writing in response to the Courier-Herald column written by Jerry Cornfield.
The topic Cornfield wrote about is 2 initiatives on the ballot in November. Initiative 2109 looks to repeal the newly enacted capital gains tax. Initiative 2117 looks to repeal all the newly enacted environmental taxes. These two new taxes have taken over $2 billion from citizens in the last two years. Think about that, $2 billion in two years.
You know Cornfield is a liberal when the lens he looks through on taxes is how much it will cost if these taxes are repealed. Really? How much will it cost? How about You look through the lens of how much Of their own money will citizens be allowed to keep If these taxes are repealed? Because if these taxes are repealed, it won’t cost anybody a dime. Its not the governments money.
So in November vote yes on initiative 2109 and repeal the capital gains tax. Keep you own hard earned money
Vote yes on initiative 2117 and repeal all of those taxes on energy. Only idiots believe if you pay the government more money, the weather will get better. And a fun factoid, the climate has changed since the beginning of time And there is nothing we can do to change that. If these energy taxes are repealed, you don’t have to choose between heating your home or feeding your kids. And you don’t have to choose between heating your home or buying your medication.
Just FYI, Democrats have arranged to bribe some citizens by giving them a $200 energy tax credit in September. But only if you qualify. Some people don’t qualify. Keep in mind, if you repeal these taxes, you will save about $200 a month and get to keep your own money. But Democrats are really into bribing and blackmailing so they think people are dumb enough to fall for their $200 tax credit bribe.
I imagine when Cornfield was writing this column, he was wringing his hands and rubbing his temples in distress truly worried that the government will lose out on $2 billion of citizens money if these initiatives pass. In true liberal psychopath form, he used children to justify keeping these taxes in place. He used scare tactics while justifying the laughable $200 energy tax credit as a reason to keep these unjust taxes in place. Democrats, if you want to get serious with your bribes, minimum $5000 in cash. Otherwise, urinate off.
Keep this in mind, these new taxes are two years old, what did the state of Washington do before these 2 billion dollars in new taxes were passed? The answer is simple, The state was still able to function without these 2 billion dollars in taxes. The state does not need $2 billion in new taxes. Vote yes on initiatives 2109 and 2117. Keep your hard earned money.
Jon Buss