Letter to the Editor: Democrats are ignoring America’s real issues

Reader Debra Taylor responds in favor of a previous letter about abortion.

I was pleased to read the letter written by George Terhaar, “Why are Democrats making abortion a top issue?” published Aug. 21.

It appeared that many candidates made it the only issue, regardless of what office was being sought. The political television ads were mostly about abortion rights to the ignorance of homelessness, the fentanyl epidemic, human trafficking, inflation, increasing violent crime and car theft, the border crisis, etc. The most common tactic used was how a mother almost died due to a “dangerous” pregnancy.

I agree that there are circumstances when women and girls should have life saving services provided without hesitation. However, most abortions are sought because a pregnancy is inconvenient or will have unpleasant life consequences. The staggering number of abortions, 393,000 were performed by Planned Parenthood in 2022-23. They received $600 million in support from our taxes.

If you have doubts, the Planned Parenthood Annual Report was easy to find on the internet.

As we move closer to the November election, let’s hope that the candidates present their plans for what Americans are most concerned about: safety and the economy.

Debra Taylor
