Letter to the Editor: Democrats show anti-semitism outside the DNC

Reader Jon Buss argues that college campuses are the fascist wing of the Democrat party.

The Democrats held their convention in Chicago this week to usher in their new presidential candidate Kamala Harris. The better story in Chicago was watching the fascist wing of the Democrat party protesting outside the convention center. These protesters were protesting Israel and the war they are conducting against Hamas. They claim to be against war and against Zionism, but most people know these protesters are anti-Semites.

Earlier this year, the same fascist wing of the Democrat party took over dozens of College campuses across America to protest Israel and the war. They made the same claims of just being against war. However, stories began to leak out that jews were not allowed in these encampments. And Jews were heckled and intimidated by these protesters. It got to the point where a federal court judge in California had to order UCLA to protect Jewish students because protesters were not allowing these students to access college services.

Beloved Jewish comedian, Jerry Seinfeld was the commencement speaker at Duke University. He was welcomed with a couple dozen students that got up and walked out of the commencement ceremony because he is Jewish.

All the time these protesters are claiming to be just anti-war. But the culmination of their actions against Jews in particular, tell everyone that these are anti-Semitic protesters. Calling them fascist and Nazis is an easy leap with their overt actions against Jews.

Now, If you believe the accusation of Democrats about Republicans being fascist and Nazis, you would think these protests are filled with Republicans, In particular, Trump supporting Republicans. Nothing could be further from the truth. Republicans are too busy working or studying in the classroom to protest in the street. All of these protests in Chicago and on college campuses are organized and run by the fascist wing of the Democratic Party. These protests are not filled with peace loving protesters just looking to make the world a better place, they are filled with fascists and Nazis that support the Democrat Party.

Many of these protesters are younger, allegedly educated college age people that will be lawyers, politicians and community agitators. They will use the Democrat party to further their fascist beliefs. What is unfortunate is that the average Democrat that goes to work every day probably does not see this coming. They just continue to blindly support the Democrat party.

The Democrats have an anti-semite problem that is escalating into a fascist problem. If they don’t put a damper on it, the chickens will come home to roost.

Jon Buss
