Letter to the Editor: Make blue states put their money where their mouths are for immigration

Reader Jon Buss believe states like Washington would change their tune on immigration if more illegal immigrants came to their area.

With the Presidential election just right around the corner, one of the biggest issues in the election will be illegal immigration.

The Biden Administration and Democrats have allowed thousands of illegal immigrants to flood across the borders everyday. Just think, every month since Biden has been President, a brand new city of 150,000 people is created in this Country and you and I pay for it. Every person gets free medical care, free food, free housing and free education. And we pay for it. We cannot sustain this. This will crash the system.

Liberals and their friends in the media have been successful in language wordsmithing. The term immigrants is now used to describe this flood of humanity. I understand that words matter so I will choose to use the term that best describes this flood of humanity- illegal immigrants. Don’t fall victim to liberal word games because it makes you feel better, words have meaning.

Biden and Democrats have allowed this mass illegal immigration, making a mockery of legal immigrants that went through the process to come here. The same orderly process that other countries in this world require for foreigners coming to their country. I’m guessing when Trump wins the Presidency and leftist Hollywood idiots vow to go to Canada, they will have to go through a process to live in Canada and not just cross the border.

The financial strain isn’t the only problem with this mass of illegal crossings, but crime is a problem. Many citizens have fallen victim to illegal immigrants that are gang members and just plain criminals. The blood of these victims are on the hands of Democrats. Illegal immigrants with a sense of entitlement have committed crimes, murdered citizens and assaulted police only to be released by leftist judges and prosecutors.

Another problem is national security. Terrorists, Chinese Communists and other enemies of this country are crossing the border. What are they doing here? What are they planning? We don’t know because they are allowed into our country instead of being turned away.

I encourage the governors from Texas and Florida to continue to bus and fly illegal immigrants to sanctimonious Blue States that have declared themselves “sanctuaries” for illegals. King County and Washington are part of these insufferable liberal jurisdictions that separate their shoulder patting themselves on the back convincing themselves how good they are to illegal immigrants. These insufferable liberals vow to protect these illegal immigrants (criminal illegals included) from mean immigration agents to ensure they don’t get sent back to their countries of origins. The more illegal immigrants flooded into these insufferable liberal jurisdictions the better, it will give these insufferable liberals a taste of that is going on at the border.

If Biden and the Democrats were smart, they would actually secure the border and stop this flood of illegal immigrants. If they don’t, Trump will be perceived as being stronger on the border, crime and national security because he will do what Biden refuses to do.

Jon Buss
