Over a two-decade mental health career I’ve learned kids who do not have their basic needs met cannot learn effectively. The very first needs that must be met are physical needs, things like clean air, food, shelter and physical safety.
In the Enumclaw School District, students are experiencing significant disruptions to needs that fall into this category including heating and cooling issues, leaking roofs and outdated fire safety and security systems.
The upcoming ESD levy is a bare-bones ask that directly addresses the physical safety and comfort of every child in the ESD. Most of these buildings have served multiple generations of Enumclaw families, including a huge portion of current residents. Though rich in history, they are showing their age and need work desperately. As a parent of two children in district and a taxpayer, I greatly appreciate the transparency the district has committed to with this levy. I also see that they have whittled down this ask to only the most necessary action items.
I believe a community is only as good as the way it treats its members. All of its members. While the older citizens of our city are its history, the children are its future. We are a community that strives to take care of its own despite outside influences and politics. We should not hesitate to ensure the future of our community has what they need to become successful, contributing members of society.
Vote Yes to invest in stronger schools and to build a stronger community.
Amee Smith