It’s been three weeks since Project 2025 was implemented, and it may be time for a review.
The highest ranking woman in our military was summarily fired, without cause. Oops, officers can’t be fired “dishonorably” without proof, so that was walked back this week. She can keep her pension.
The Secretary of Defense has claimed he is now sober, so stay tuned for when he shows he perjured himself in his confirmation hearings. But wait, he didn’t say he wouldn’t shoot people in the legs for exercising their right to petition the government for redress, so don’t expect large crowds in the streets.
Unless, of course, the Patriot Front, Proud Boys, Oathkeepers and other J6 rioters initiate and exacerbate peaceful protests, as occurred during the Black Lives Matter marches. This may actually be the goal; declaration of martial law so democracy dies as the military fires on civilians, primarily in majority Democratic States.
Is this what the slim plurality, and the non-voters, wanted?
Now the health of Americans is threatened by censorship of health data. Kansas is suffering the worst TB outbreak in history, and we only know because that State’s health department reported it. Bird flu? That’s so last year, as the flocks and herds will be culled, but no one dares report it, for fear of retaliation. Expect your eggs and burgers to cost more, and soon.
Worksites are being raided in “blue” States, and workers are being grabbed by ICE. I guess those undocumented workers, who pay taxes but don’t collect benefits, aren’t actually sitting around freeloading off of the taxpayers, after all.
And now it seems the richest man in the world is conducting a hostile takeover of federal agencies. OPM is the HR department of the government. Musk had an operative walk into OPM and set up an email server on the network that appears to be coming from inside the Department, and is sending “test” messages to all Federal employees. This appears to be an attempt to create a list so all employees will be in a database and people’s livelihoods can be targeted.
As a retired federal employee, I sure don’t want Musk’s unvetted henchmen having access to my employment records. But accessing OPM’s communications would allow for messing with my pension, Social Security, and Medicare benefits, as they all flow through OPM and my work history there.
Did you all vote for this?
It is time we let our elected representatives know how we feel about these issues. Every accusation is a confession, as the saying goes, and it isn’t the voters making billions of dollars off of the dismantling of government. As the pie is sliced and distributed to the already obscenely wealthy, the rest of us are being reduced to working into our 70s, without any of the safety nets we’ve been promised (and paid for) over the last 60 years.
Contact Kim Schrier, Patty Murray, and Maria Cantwell, and let them know where you stand.
Shawn Johnson,