Letter to the Editor: The illusion of superiority and picked pockets

Reader Stanley McKie says MAGA’s supposed “superiority” to minorities makes them blind to their own plights.

Editor’s note: This letter is in response to the letter, “Finally— a win for America”, published Nov. 27.

President Lyndon Johnson said, “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best [LGBTQ, immigrant or] colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his [Jon Buss’] pocket. Hell, give you somebody to look down on, and he’ll be emptying your [Buss’] pockets for you [with gaudy sneakers and bible sales].”

It’s obvious Trump’s win and his orange glow of inferiority gives Buss a false sense of pride of being better than the LGBTQ and immigrant populations. Buss’ bigotry, insecurities and fragility is showing.

Why couldn’t Trump close the border during his previous time spent in the White House? Trump bragged about building a wall and having Mexico to pay for it. Gullible Buss continues to believe the entire Trump con.

Trump won the election because 74 million voters would rather risk having a proven incompetent, vulgarian, felon, rapist, racist, ignorant reckless con man in the White House rather than have a competent, experienced and educated woman in the White House. Trump won because he continues to traffic in this country’s entrenched racial and sexist hierarchy. That’s all.

I am struck by Buss’ flippant nonsensical generalizations criticizing the Democratic Party (I’m not a declared Democrat) for bashing “heterosexual males”? “toxic masculinity”? “perversion”? “LBGQ mafia”? and “extreme environmental laws”?

What does Buss mean? Why doesn’t Buss explain to us how it is that so many men (e.g., Lindsey Graham, Tim Scott, Mike Johnson, Tucker Carlson, so-called evangelical church leaders and Elon Musk among so many others) fawn over Trump and kiss Trump’s ring (I am being benign)? What’s with Trump’s compromising creepy fanboy idolatry of Putin? Trump takes Putin’s word over the U.S. Intelligence Agency’s word. How could that be? Why would a man presumably with so much importance and responsibilities continue to go to so many UFC cage fighting matches? What was Trump doing with the microphone that one time anyway? Doesn’t all of this look and sound like Buss’ idea of “perversion” and LGBQT? Trump slapped Don, Jr. so hard that Don, Jr. fell to the ground. How many times has Trump violently hit his children or women? Incidentally, Baron Trump once jack-slapped his nanny (look it up). Is this Buss’ idea of macho heterosexual masculinity? Right, right. Why doesn’t Buss comment on this? Readers want to know.

Buss should beware of pickpockets during the next four years when he is not reading the Constitution if he dares to express an opinion on freedoms. Also, will someone please tell Buss that the word “country” is a common noun and does not need to be capitalized?

Stanley McKie,
