Letter to the Editor: Time is running out to stand up against American fascism

Reader Larry Benson thanks several other letter writers from last week.

Editor’s note: This letter is in response to several letters published July 10.

Thank you Paul and Nancy Butler, and also Stanley McKie for calling out Jon Buss on his totally opinionated and ill-informed take on just about everything he sets pen to.

I absolutely agree with all of your well informed and researched statements on the subject. The only problem, of course, is that you can’t use reason and logic to change the opinion of someone who didn’t use reason and logic to form that opinion to begin with and that is true of Jon Buss in spades, even though he is totally ignorant of the facts on almost everything he takes issue with, it has never stopped him and probably never will.

Also a shout out to my friend Gene Clegg and the problem that many of us may face if the dictator wannabe gains the Whitehouse again. My wife has never entertained the idea of leaving our wonderful country but that conversation has come up more than once over the last few months, if Democrats and independents and many dissatisfied Republicans don’t stand up in November than Project 2025 may become a reality all to quickly.

For those of you who are still unaware of this document, it is a nearly 1,000 page blueprint for the total take over of the federal government by extreme right wing loyalists who will attempt to trash the Constitution and turn our country into a Christian country, abolishing the rights of many of our peoples, think Iran and the Ayatolla, or Afghanistan and the Taliban. The nations of the world are looking forward with bated breath and hoping that Trump does not gain the Whitehouse again. Just sayin’

Larry Benson
