Letter to the Editor: Trump is the real leader we need

Reader Jon Buss urges you to vote for the former president in the general election.

In regards to the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. After years of Democrats comparing him to Hitler and declaring he is a threat to democracy, it should come as no surprise that someone would attempt to assassinate him. Democrats have tried to impeach him, prosecute him, jail him, and nothing has worked so assassination would be the next logical step. Yet, Trump is more popular than ever. I’m still waiting for a column in the Courier-Herald calling out Democrats, Antifa and BLM for their dangerous, violent rhetoric.

The Secret Service really needs to be investigated. They bungled this from beginning to end. So much for their mission of protecting presidents. I guess their new mission is diversity, equity and inclusion. Yet one more organization that DEI has poisoned.

Fortunately for freedom and this country, Trump stood up with blood on his face, raised his fist and shouted, fight, fight, fight!

He proved himself to be a real leader and demonstrated why I will vote for him again. We need real leadership in this country instead of feckless liberalism.

The other big news was the Democrats forcing Biden out of the election. I don’t know why they did this because he is the same Biden we saw four years ago. I guess they looked at the polls.

They have elevated Kamala Harris to be the nominee. Someone who isn’t qualified to be vice president sure isn’t qualified to be president.

On a separate note, I have taken great joy in the old, angry leftists and their letter writing campaign against me for my very pro-American letters that call for securing our borders. I enjoy the fact that I am living rent free in their heads. Old, angry, and leftist is no way to go through life. Their letters remind me of the saying, “ If you are not a liberal at age 20, you have no heart. If you are not a conservative at age 40, you have no brains.” Just sayin’.

Jon Buss
