Letter to the Editor: Trump spreads lies, fear; we need a better leader

Reader Kimmer Duncan argues the former president has no answers for America’s problems.

The former president recently admitted in an interview with Lex Friedman that he lost the 2020 election “by a whisker.” How does that make you feel? Many of his supporters trusted him. This isn’t just about anger—it’s immense disappointment in a leader who willfully denied the truth and promoted what has repeatedly been proven false.

To remind you of the carnage: On Jan. 6, he incited a crowd, knowing some were armed, leading to a tragic event at our Capitol. 140 police officers were attacked, and people lost their lives. Politicians, including members of both parties, feared for their safety. The cost of the damage? Over $2.7 million (justice.gov), and rioters who have been caught and prosecuted will never be able to return to their normal life. Did the former president care about his supporters?

Frivolous court cases, expensive audits, death threats on our election officials and workers. He is already claiming it will be a rigged election. We have election deniers within our community right now who believe they must be involved in a civil war if he doesn’t win this election. Does the former president understand or even care about the damage he has done to our democracy?

He has also drained taxpayer dollars in numerous ways. Take Arizona, for example. According to American Oversight, taxpayers footed a $4 million bill for unnecessary audits, damaged voting machines, and bogus investigations. We want our tax dollars spent wisely, not on endless court cases and unnecessary audits.

And now he and his running mate are spreading false, racist rhetoric again — claiming immigrants are eating pets. These are tactics meant to divide us, stirring up unnecessary fear and mistrust in our communities. Are these the kind of people we want to represent our nation? Men who so quickly believe and spread lies?

Trump is like a broken record with his divisive fear-mongering about our southern border. But if he’s so serious about it, why did he personally kill the bipartisan border bill? His plan is to round up millions of immigrants, put them in camps and deport them. To execute any who return. Really? Some of this policy is included in Project 2025 and Agenda 47.

Our economy depends on hardworking people, including immigrants. In a segment on CBS Sunday Morning John Esformes, CEO of Sunripe Certified Brands in Florida said “Before long, if we keep going down this path … (of anti-immigration) there won’t be a bell pepper, cucumber, grapefruit or orange that’s been grown in the US, because it will all be imported. We cannot sustain farming in our country without workers.”

We need leaders who understand the complexities of immigration and are ready to solve the problem with workable, reasonable plans — not just exploit the issue for votes. Trump has demonstrated he has no legal or humane plan. Kamala Harris is willing to work with both parties and has pledged to sign the bipartisan border bill.

Kimmer Duncan
