Letter to the Editor: We need a school board that understands the community

Reader Keith Mathews says we shouldn’t be “gambling” with our kids’ education.

Driving through town yesterday, I came across several signs about the upcoming school board election. I misread them and began thinking about it and the signs were correct. “Gambling for schools”.

We have become a community of trying rather than a community of succeeding. We need to stop gambling on our kids’ education. The shock of what happened on the last bond came as no surprise as the ESD Board thought their “wish” list would be a hit. This existing school board has got to go and be replaced with people that understand the community and understand the problems in our education system.

Failure is a learning curve, and the current board has difficulty understanding that.

Let’s not dwell on failure, look at the lessons from it and hopefully learn.

I do support the current school bond only because it addresses a critical need in our schools. I also support all folks running against current school board members. Life isn’t just about what you want to be. It’s about who you are.

Keith Mathews
