Letter to the Editor: We need real politics and debate, not name calling

Reader Larry Benson dislikes Republican’s penchant for ugly rhetoric.

I may be wrong but it seems that far right Republicans such as Jon Buss seem to take their cue from Trump when it comes to discussing their political views and how they differ from Democrats. (“Want to crack down on crime? Vote for Reichert”, published Sept. 11)

Just like Trump, who resorts to name calling and character assassination, Jon Buss doesn’t seem to think just disagreeing with politicians on the left is enough, he has to resort to denigrating and demeaning terminology to further belittle people with opposing viewpoints: “Little Bobby Ferguson, the Axis of Evil for Democrats in general.”

I don’t know about the rest of you, but that kind rhetoric, to me, just makes him seem more hateful than most of his opinions already are. Just sayin’.

Larry Benson
