Letter to the Editor: Why are Democrats making abortion a top issue?

Reader George Terhaar argues that abortions should count as the sixth highest cause of death in the U.S.

The campaigns for the presidency have reached a full gallop. Candidates daily fling their perceived manure du jour at their opponents. Meanwhile the alphabet medias shovel coddling comments, conspiracies, et.al., cloaked in inane nuances with hopes of influencing the election. Brings to mind a rural adage, “No matter how much powdered sugar you sprinkle on horse apples they still ain’t no jelly donut.” Tiresome? Yep!

Through it all, one perplexing political issue keeps coming to the forefront—abortion. Having observed a multitude of children, grandkids, nieces, nephews, etc. I can’t think of one that would be better off aborted. Yet, Democrats have abortion as a major plank.

The four leading causes of USA deaths (2022-2023) (Above & Beyond – M. Dannenfelser) in order:

1. Heart disease, (695,547)

2. Cancer, (605,213)

3. Covid-19, (416,893)

4. Abortions, (393,000) performed by Planned Parenthood

The unborn don’t count because their wailings from the wombs can’t be heard or, perhaps, we don’t want to hear them? And if we don’t hear them, they don’t exist?

Maybe a mandated ultrasound would give these silent little people some visual credibility. Oh, no, that must not be permitted. As abortion supporter Dr. L. Lacroix stated, “Abortion is a hard enough thing for any woman to decide without the torture of seeing the baby on the ultrasound screen.” Hmmm! The doctor knows a “baby exists” but will still terminate?

Faux indigenous Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren stated an abortion is no worse than having one’s tonsils removed. (Tonsils don’t grow back but 45%-plues of women terminating pregnancies will have other abortions.)

A pregnant woman and her child die in a car crash or by violence. The court charges the perpetrator of these deaths with a double homicide. Is this because the unborn child is a person? If a doctor performs an abortion is he killing a person?

Dem. VP candidate Tim Walz expressed his unifying sympathy for the pro-life people et.al., in warm and fuzzy words, “Mind their own damn business!” Dare one state that all unborns want is to safely “mind their own business” in the womb?

In summary and searching for answers to these disturbing questions, one wonders if seeking for personal peace, hope, and caring lies outside our secular and godless society. If our country won’t protect or respect the most innocent, harmless, helpless little people, no amount of near $600 million government funds and grants sprinkled on abortion institutions/clinics will be the solution.

In conclusion, I am so glad two pregnant teenagers decided to birth their babies, making our family richer with another niece and nephew.

George Terhaar
