Migrants are a scapegoat from real issues in our country

Reader Stanley McKie submits a rebuttal to a recent letter about illegal immigration.

I struggled to decide on whether or not I should even dignify Inez Peterson’s referencing me in her denialist screed demonizing immigrants. (“The facts prove Biden has been disastrous for our country,” published April 17)

When the Wizard of Oz was mean to the cowardly lion; Dorothy defended the lion and tongue lashed the Wizard, “Shame on you! He came to you for help!” Inez Peterson is no Dorothy.

Mr. Elfers’ column and subsequent letters here from me and others supported Mr. Elfers’ argument “that many conservative Christians are anti-immigrant” and that there is a “contradiction between conservative Christians and the [teachings in the] Bible.” In his column, Mr. Elfers challenged and invited readers to contradict him. Inez Peterson failed to do so. She was not one of the “takers.”

Inez Peterson offered links to various websites to help paint migrants as perpetrators. The information in the links do not support evangelicals or contradict Elfers’ argument. The news sources and government websites are irrelevant to the argument.

A cursory glance at any of Inez Peterson’s favorite news outlets will shine a light on the facts. Conservative Christian employers refused to offer certain universal healthcare coverages to female employees through their employee benefit plans. Conservative Christian store and social hall owners have unilaterally refused to serve or to rent to prospective patrons because these owners objected to the patrons’ demographic. The Evangelical Church here in America has supported slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, white hegemony, supports discriminatory social and voting practices and continues to support an unrepentant racist (and someone who is an adjudicated serial rapist, has been indicted for countless felonies, an insurrectionist, a draft-dodger, a serial tax-evader, someone who has contempt for veterans and the military, someone who is woefully ignorant, amoral, corrupt, unscrupulous, narcissistic, idolizes tyrant dictators and someone who is a pathological liar). Trump’s corrupt and criminal behavior should be a hands down disqualifier to be president. The evangelical’s continued cult-like support of Trump solidifies proof of hypocrisy and of the baked-in racism in the history of American evangelicalism. These are the facts.

Establishing and verifying one’s citizenship and legal status in this country – even for American citizens- can be an Olympian and daunting task if one is without the proper approved legal forms. So how is that Inez Peterson will have you believe that illegal immigrants are voting, taking away jobs and threatening America?

Inez Peterson’s mean-spirited contempt for and fear of immigrants is typical timeworn sky-is-falling scapegoating hysteria. America is great because (italics for emphasis) of immigrants. Contrary to what Trump will have Americans to believe; there aren’t any rapists crossing the southern border. The serial rapist is already here; he’s in Mar-a-Largo.

I don’t recognize Inez Peterson. I find her instructions to the readers on how to vote in November loathsome, misguided and presumptuous.

About Trump: Would you allow your loved ones to board an airplane if it was being piloted by Trump or someone like Trump?

Enough…enough now…no more American carnage and toilet paper presidencies.

Stanley McKie
