Need to change elected officials at every level

Every level of elected government needs a change. That change needs to include electing people that have not worked in government their entire lives.

Every level of elected government needs a change. That change needs to include electing people that have not worked in government their entire lives.

There is one candidate running for Enumclaw City Council that needs to be replaced with a citizen that has had to work hard for survival in the business world despite the brick wall our elected liberals build. Private business is where all money comes from to run this city, our county, state and national government. (Except the money our government borrows from China.)

One of the candidates running for city council states in his bio: “Having taught history and government for 31 years, I understand how government functions and am a quick learner.” From the local level to the national level you have to ask yourself; should we elect a person that learns what to do from government? The city is broke. The county is broke. The state is broke. And nationally our country is borrowing $40 for every $100 it takes in. We desperately need city council members that for instance will not decide for the citizens to purchase a vacant piece of property for $300,000 in the main business district for the purpose of spending more taxpayers money to build it into a park. There are three city parks within one to two minutes of this new location. Another lot-size city park will only cost the city money and will not generate one dine for the city.

This example is exactly why all levels of governments are bloody broke. Elected officials waste money on nonessentials. Let’s start at the city level and vote for a strong successful businessman that will use his business principles to properly manage our little city. Please vote for Darrel Dickson for city council. I’ll take a Herman Cain also.

Ted DeVol
