OK to support other beliefs, but show respect

The recent capitol building controversy over nativity scenes and atheist signs disturbs me on many levels. I am puzzled and disappointed at our governor’s decision to place the Freedom From Religion Foundation’s sign adjacent to the Christmas nativity display.

Please note that I am not disappointed that she chose to err on the side of preserving the right to freedom of speech; I am disappointed that she did not require basic courtesy in locating the display and in moderating the intemperate language of the sign. But I am also disappointed that some of our responses as Christians have been as militant and as reactive as the Wisconsin-based foundation could have wanted. It is certainly true that the absurd accusation that religion makes me hardhearted and insensitive is offensive, but I do not wish to permit the prejudices of others to govern my own behavior.

So while I am thankful for each person of faith who has responded to defend our faith in Jesus, I pray that we would act and speak with great care to show courtesy and respect, especially now when the message of Jesus that calls us to love one another has been accused of producing hate and indifference to others.

Bruce Thweatt
