Open the schools, for the children

Parents should homeschool their kids until schools open.

Open the school district up and run it as it has run in the past. News is now coming out from many sources that this lockdown scare is not only bad for just about every school age child’s education, but far worse for their physical and mental health. This farce is seriously damaging an entire generation of children… for what? None of the governors “data and science” makes any sense. About 55,000 people die each year of something in this state and we now have 1,900 die from one thing. And those number are also a farce and everyone knows it — compare those numbers to the annual suicide deaths, drug overdoses, and traffic fatalities.

I mention traffic deaths because during this shutdown people are driving at speeds and recklessness I’ve never seen in my 62 years. When the numbers come out, the increase in deaths in those three categories will far exceed COVID deaths. And those deaths are not 80 years and older.

There are many people including myself, seriously considering pulling our children out of public schools if normalcy does not return. Do the math.

You lose 10 kids, the district loses over $140,000; 50 kids you lose over $700,000. I would suggest more parents do the same because money talks.

I’m guessing you are already at a loss of 50 kids for this coming school year because parents are fed up with this garbage and will home school because they are doing it already via the public schools. And parents can bypass the porno sex-ed the Democrats so desperately want shoved at our children. Our governor has given the finger to the current president on many occasions and it’s time to do the same to this states current governor because this “crisis” doesn’t make sense.

The school district superintendent needs to listen to the parents for once. Something the last superintendent did not do. The teacher’s union does not pay your wonderful salary and benefits. The teacher’s union does not pay into that very wonderful pension you’re building. It’s the parents and taxpayers! And you need to listen to them. Open the schools we are paying millions of dollars for. And get these kids back to normalcy. “Do it for the children.”

Ted DeVol
