Why is it, when some politicians are spending other people’s money, they seem to lose all sense of reality? I…
I am writing in response to Wally’s World column (Courier-Herald, Feb. 16). I would agree with Wally that Taibbi is…
Peggy Vertrees states in her letter to the editor (March 2) that she has never been bothered by dogs at…
In reply to the letter of Dick and Pat Hughes, “Joining county library system is a great bargain” (Courier-Herald, March…
Congress is back in session. A multiplicity of promises about cutting government spending and reducing government’s size fill the air. Promises are one thing, of course. Delivery on promises is something else.
Our slowly-dying library needs new blood. Short on days open, hours available, new videos, books, magazines, computers, etc. – we are on the slip side of shame.
I would like to thank councilmen Sean Krebs and Glen Jensen for their vote on the recent Abbott-Blick annexation of zoning this special area of Enumclaw as R-1 (larger lot size, single-family dwellings).
As the Repugnicans have shown their true colors – make sure as many people as possible die due to no health insurance – I wrote this poem, entitled “Armi-Armageddon.”
Mount Peak trail is used by many people and people with their dogs on a leash.
Good public policy defines a problem and proposes a solution that should solve it, periodically evaluating it and changing it, if needed.
I am writing in response to the recent article regarding approval the tri-party school agreement between the Enumclaw School District, Black Diamond and YarrowBay Development.
Good public policy defines a problem and proposes a solution that should solve it, periodically evaluating it and changing it,…