In an incredibly bold move, Arizona lawmakers passed their version of immigration reform. The governor then passed it into law. After the bill was signed into law, the progressives, especially from the left, had their heads spinning while vomiting a green slime.
In response to the letters of April 27, 2010, preferring “progressivism.”
The letter writers in last week’s paper obviously don’t have any time allotted for reading early American history. The progressive movement was started by socialists as a nonviolent means to move the American ideology to socialism. Both letter writers reject information from FOX news while speaking their MCNBC mentality as more mainstream.
The liberals ganged up on Mr. DeVol with some of the farthest fetched baloney I’ve read in some time. The…
Today on the radio I heard the president of the United States utter an amazing statement. He was referring to the law recently passed in the state of Arizona, (SB 1070, Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act), which in part allows local law enforcement to take steps to determine a person’s legal status here in the U.S.
Repugnican/tea hypocrites – where was your loud tax rhetoric during the Bush misadministration? Clinton handed Bush a financial surplus. Bush…
Mr. DeVol, I’m not sure why you felt the need to level a personal attack against a newspaper columnist (Courier-Herald,…
Repugnican/tea hypocrites – where was your loud tax rhetoric during the Bush misadministration? Clinton handed Bush a financial surplus. Bush…
Mr. DeVol, I’m not sure why you felt the need to level a personal attack against a newspaper columnist (Courier-Herald, April 21), but you only exposed yourself as a product of Fox News and the Beck/Palin shallow mentality that passes for learned debate today.
Ted DeVol wrote a letter to the editor (Courier-Herald, April 21) denigrating Brian Beckley and calling his writings “ignorant and foolish.” I strongly disagree with Ted’s assessment. Mr. Beckley’s editorials in “Our Corner” are a welcome and refreshing addition to The Courier-Herald, especially after years of being subjected to guest commentaries by Glenn-Beck-in-skirt (Adele Ferguson).
Twenty-plus years ago we had just moved into Buckley. I looked out the window and saw the neighbor’s chimney was on fire. Within a minute or two of calling 911, the fire station’s siren went off and this man came flying around the corner on his bicycle, dropped the bike, ran up to the door and identified himself as a member of the fire department. Shortly thereafter, the fire engine came in the driveway, loaded with more firefighters in gear. The problem was quickly taken care of and they went on their way with a wave and a nod.
The City of Buckley is currently trying to pass a bond to construct a new fire station.
There are many reasons why your department needs to replace the current station which was built in 1951.
As a small-business owner, I am disgusted with our Legislature. What are they thinking? Raising more taxes is wrong. They need to do what we are all doing. Relook at contracts that are too expensive; cut hours; don’t layoff, just prune hours and salaries. They need to stop adding to our tax burden. Our small business taxes are obscenely high and are driving many out of business. Bankers in this area need to start reaching out to small business owners to help them. Sitting on their bailout money does no good for anyone.