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Why, Dan Shannon had the answer to asylum seekers from civil war-ravaged, drug cartel-controlled countries all along and didn’t share…
I’ll never forget how you helped me out.
It’ll be way worse than 2008.
Editor’s note: this is in response to the column, “For Politicians, the Abortion Debate is about Power, not Morality,” published…
I disagree with Mr. Mitchell’s letter (“Even if Republicans take back the government, don’t expect any change”, published April 27)…
Jon Buss’ continued criticism of President Biden (“Forgiving student loans unfair to most Americans,” published May 5) begs the question:…
You helped my family out tremendously during a time of grieving.
Plus, a pun about grass huts.
Don’t forget that the preamble to the constitution says “Promote the General Welfare.”
Beware the Disinformation Governance Board.
What ever happened to good work ethics?
Send me your puns, and I’ll help get them printed in the newspaper.