Reader Mark Akers asks why “a woman’s right to choose” ranks higher than illegal immigration and drug trafficking.
Reader Debra Taylor responds in favor of a previous letter about abortion.
Reader Jon Buss argues that college campuses are the fascist wing of the Democrat party.
Reader Kimmer Duncan is worried about how Project 2025 would harm women and promote Christian Nationalism.
Reader George Terhaar argues that abortions should count as the sixth highest cause of death in the U.S.
Reader Stanley McKie argues the former president and his proposed vice have had everything handed to them.
Reader Jon Buss encourages you to vote against taxes in the general election.
Reader Jon Buss urges you to vote for the former president in the general election.
Reader Larry Benson responds to a back-and-forth about illegal immigration.
Reader Ailene Armstrong says there is a reason why immigration is one of America’s top concerns.
Reader Larry Benson thanks several other letter writers from last week.
Reader Nancy Butler says there is no correlation has been found between crime rates and immigration rates.
Reader Eugene Clegg says this is America’s dilemma this presidential election.