Business owner Janet Barto says people wandering downtown will shop more than they planned.
Former ESD Board Director Nancy Merrill urges you to consider stability this election.
Reader Linda Rolczynski says it’s been wonderful watching the city come alive.
Reader Joseph King believes it’s time to bring fresh eyes on to the Board.
Reader Keith Mathews says we shouldn’t be “gambling” with our kids’ education.
Reader Tracy Delphia wants Enumclaw to do in-depth research into what would really benefit the city.
Reader Larry Benson has an idea for how youth can find direction in their lives.
Email letters to
Reader Ellen Koehn reacts to the Dayton library issue
Reader James Ryan opines on how the weekend closures affect those with limited mobility
Reader Larry Benson talks about two recent columns about cults and prejudice
Reader Eugene Clegg argues that the King Jame’s version contains many stories that could be considered violent or pornographic
Reader Larry Benson outlines the three ways the previous president aided the rise of biased media and the decline of the middle class