Chaz Holmes’ latest Our Corner (Courier-Herald, Jan. 5) plainly displays for all to see the lefts current dyspepsia over their “like a god” BHO. It was not supposed to be like this, BHO (all praise fall on him) was supposed to start and finish the socialist utopia while marching over the objections of the rubes that somehow still believe they live a free and democratic country.
Instead, a president that has spent nearly half of his time outside of Washington, D.C., just can’t seem to close the deal to Chaz’s and the socialist left’s satisfaction. Chaz, who never misses a chance to inform us (the rubes) of his moral and intellectual superiority as a journalist is showing the same political schizophrenia as The Daily Kos who, like Chaz, still profess their love and devotion to their stealth elected Whiner in Chief but cannot understand how he could bend from the far left after being gob smacked by reality into not raising taxes even while vowing to undo the non-tax-raise in two years.
The tax cut which only “cuts” (see projected increases planned by the Left for 2012) 2 percent of some taxes for those that pay taxes. Nearly 50 percent of people in the U.S. no longer pay federal income taxes; nearly all of them get a federal check or tax credit though, that used to be called welfare; now it’s a “right.” Such a divided house cannot stand for long. Even if “I Won” had let the entire tax increase go forward it would not make a dent in the debt he is running up. In less than 2 years, O has added $3.38 trillion to the national debt. He has added more debt to the country in two years than all debt from George Washington and all presidents in between to the 111th Congress. This after being in office 716 days. Total projected debt by 2015 – $20 trillion. The current interest payment to China is $300 billion and rising, while adding $4 billion a day to the debt. Government spending is the problem not tax rates! To illustrate O’s thinking, in his mind as he has stated $200,000 is rich, but his aid (Gibbs) that makes $170,000 is making a modest salary?
This entire exercise in mental masturbatory writing displays a total lack of understanding of the economics involved or the ability apparently in finding something to write about in this area – you know, the area that pays to have this drivel supplied to us in the guise of “news.” Meanwhile, Chaz pontificates his vision to the rubes about how to run the world to his dictatorial satisfaction in multiple column inches. This entire column was semantically null.
(Chaz, that means it made no sense).
Craig Sarver
Bonney Lake