This letter is in response to Robert Duchaine’s letter, which was a response to Anne Marie Semke’s letter. Anne Marie wrote about her experiences with the Canadian healthcare system, a system that Barack Obama has stated was his ultimate goal to force upon the United States.
Mr. Duchaine, in typical American liberal form, dismissed Ms. Semke’s experiences as antecdotal. Even though, I would guess that Mr. Duchaine has had no experience with the Canadian single-payer healthcare system. I can imagine that Mr. Duchaine was looking down his nose in judgement when he was responding to Ms. Semke. Ms. Semke, thank you for a very well-written letter exposing the truth about the Canadian healthcare system.
Then, Mr. Duchaine proves that he can Google with the best of them and recites statistics about life expectency between Americans and Canadians. He obtained statistics from the World Health Organization. These stats of course, “prove” that the Canadian healthcare system is obviously superior to the American healthcare system. Nice investigative work, Mr. Duchaine.
Mr. Duchaine, these stats are surface and don’t figure the American lifestyle compared to the lifestyle of Canadiens. Do these stats figure in lifestyles such as diet, excercise or violence (particularly gun and gang violence)? Is it possible that the life expectancy of Canadians could be much higher if they had a healthcare system like the United States? Is it possible that the life expectancy of Americans could be much lower, but because our healthcare system is so good it is rising? What about cancer survivor rates, Mr. Duchaine? Name a country that has a higher cancer survivor rate.
And Mr. Duchaine, why do citizens of Canada come to the United States for medical treatment and pay out of their own pocket? Is it because the Canadian healthcare system is so superior? Yeah, I doubt it. Why do Americans go to Canada? To get cheap narcotics without a prescription. No matter how much you want to ignore it, Mr. Duchaine, there are waiting lines in Canada and people are dying because of it. Name a waiting line for medical treatment in this country (go ahead and Google it).
Now lets go over some facts about the current healthcare bill that was passed by Democrats and is supported by Barack Obama. Citizens will face a large fine or jail time for failing to obtain health insurance. The founding fathers must be rolling over in their graves knowing that Democrats are willing to send law-abiding citizens to jail for not buying health insurance. Illegal aliens will be covered in this bill. Yeah, instead of investing your money or making home improvements, you allow the government to take more money from your check to pay for the medical costs of illegal aliens with runny noses. Medicare funding will be cut. After all, the leaders in the Democrat party have zero respect for human life so that means elderly people are dispensible, because it does save money and the elderly have lived a long life. The bill would take effect in 2013, but the taxes would begin immediately. Especially hard hit in taxes are medical devices that save lives like pace makers. And medical devices that are convenient, like hearing aids, glasses and tampons.
Does the American healthcare system need some improvement? Yes. But my inner voice of truth tells me the solution is less government involvement. Throwing the baby out with the bath water is not the solution. When a private insurance company does something that isn’t right, a citizen can go to the government for recourse. What happens if the government is in charge of the healthcare system and they do something wrong. Where do you go then? Plus, how many doctors will leave the profession because of this healthcare bill? Mr. Duchaine, free your mind from your Democrat party loyalty. Be loyal to the country and the U.S. Constitution before the Democratic Party. This government-run, socialized healthcare system the Democrats want is neither constitutional nor good for this country.
J. Buss