Brian Beckley claiming in this paper he is not a liberal, makes him not one.
Brian’s writings in the Enumclaw Courier Herald reveal the camp he resides in. Claiming he is against the new cell phone law does not make him someone special who “thinks on one’s own.” He has simply made a logical determination that there are far more distractions other than cell phones that were not, but should have been, in the new law had the Legislature really been interested in safety. They are not. Olympia is interested in taking more of our money.
For Brian to say, “the Tea Partiers are a bunch of angry, ill-informed loudmouths whose inconsistency on their own position and total ignorance of government, history and the Constitution makes them impossible to take seriously,” reveals only Brian Beckley’s complete and utter ignorance of their position. Earth to Brian and the liberals! Here is the Tea Party platform.
1 The government is spending way to much money.
2 The government is taking way to much money from private business and those who work for private business, and is planning on taking far more (news flash to liberals.) That’s where almost every penny comes from to run America.
3 The government is wasting way too much of our money and if continued it will kill the United States of America. Is that simple enough for Brian Beckley and the other liberals? It’s a very simple, logical position. Maybe Brian can explain this logic of his that allows him to have mostly progressive positions (hard left) and an occasional logical position that’s not progressive, yet the “Tea Partiers” who are not all reading from the exact same script, as much of left does, are ill-informed, loudmouth idiots?
Beating up on Glen Beck and Sara Palin in the same column is so MSNBC liberal lefty, it’s funny. Yet Brian claims not to be a liberal.
From what I read of Brian Beckley, he writes like a plain old run-of-the-mill progressive liberal media person. This is drawn by the fact that he consistently takes shots at the conservative people and their beliefs while not doing the same against liberal people and their ideas. The cell phone law was a bipartisan law made for stupid drivers. I guess that makes Brian a free thinker for opposing it.
Post script: Brian used the word “progressive” to describe the founding of this country. Young Americans need to know that the word “progressive” to the progressive movement means: move the political landscape “progressively,” without violence, into communism. Ya know, like boiling a frog.
Ted DeVol