Editor’s note: the following is in response to a May 18 letter submitted by Ted DeVol.
I know we each are entitled to our own opinions about local politics, national politics, Democrats, Republicans and the Tea Party. But, I think we all have had enough of your ranting about our government.
In this letter it is in response to an issue with the Green River Gorge. What does this have to do with Reagan, Bush or Obama? This is a local issue that our local politicians should handle. So stop dragging our beloved former and current presidents into this. I find it extremely inappropriate that you bash our government in our local paper, where the focus should be on the high school, community happenings and other news happening in our small town. Instead of wasting everyone’s time by writing to The Courier-Herald, I challenge you to seek out an appropriate place to vent your political issues. Maybe try a conservative public forum where you can rant and offend liberals all you want.
I know you may be frustrated with our current president and government situation, but as an adult of the wonderful community of Enumclaw, you should set an example to those younger than you.
Instead of complaining about how much you despise what our country is doing with its money, take action! You should consider writing your complaints or problems to our local senators, congressmen or women, or the mayor of Enumclaw herself. Instead of wasting our time with your weekly diatribes, write to these people who can actually do something about the issues you are concerned about. I’m sure they would love to hear from you.
Or if you would like to completely change the way our government is ran, try running for public office. I know this may terrify some liberals of our community, but you could do what you want with our government, run it how you see fit.
If you don’t pick up anything else from my letter, please absorb this into your thoughts. I am not the only one in this great community tired of your complaining. Find a political newspaper to write to instead. Quit complaining and do something about it!
Heather DeRosa