States must act where the feds have failed us

In an incredibly bold move, Arizona lawmakers passed their version of immigration reform. The governor then passed it into law. After the bill was signed into law, the progressives, especially from the left, had their heads spinning while vomiting a green slime.

The law simply states that police officers have a duty to inquire about immigration status of people that they have legal reason to contact. So, if an officer stops a car for speeding and the driver has no driver license and does not speak English, there is a reasonable suspicion that the person is not in this country legally. The officer then can detain that person and contact immigration to determine citizenship. The big lie being told by the left is that the law will allow for officers to stop people randomly because of the color of their skin and check their papers. The law does not allow for officers to randomly stop people to check their “walking papers.” Officers have to have a legal reason to have contact with a person, then have to have reasonable suspicion to further inquire about citizenship. I believe this law will pass constitutional muster.

Don’t believe the poverty pimps, race baiters and other haters of this country; this law is not the next coming of the Third Reich. The progressives from the left have a vested interest in making sure illegals are given amnesty. They see votes which will keep them in power for years to come. They see poverty being imported that will need to be reliant on government help which will expand the federal government. Either way, both political parties at the federal level have failed to do their duty. Now, states like Arizona have to act to protect their citizens. And mark my words, Arizona won’t be the only state that does this.

I wish the lawmakers in Olympia had the guts of the Arizona lawmakers and would pass a law like this. Wishful thinking on my part. However, when more states pass similar laws, you can expect more and more illegal aliens coming into Washington for our free government handouts that Democrats have put into place. The U.S. Constitution is not a suicide pact. And suicide is what the federal government has been engaging in because of their failure to protect the borders.

J. Buss
