Stick with medicine, ignore the liberal polls

Let’s do what the good Dr. Mary Ballard wants, seeing how she is smarter than others including a local police officer.

Let’s not ask why no one has to this date explained why the president of the United States would not show his birth certificate until over two years after his election. And yes, Hillary Clinton asked first. No one cares but the fringe.  Mr. Buss is directly on target. Pun intended. In 2010 the Democrats with complete control of the House, the Senate and the presidency decided (to) not plan a budget. And liberals like Wally blame the Republicans for trying to stop the train wreck.

Mary Ballard talks about what the polls say. I would bet $100 that if an honest poll was taken from every citizen in the United States that has a job and/or pays taxes, if they would like to scrap Obamacare, you would get a 70-plus percent say “heck, yes.”

Dr. Mary Ballard uses Huffington Post as a news and poll source. Is she serious? The Huffington post is as far left as you can be for a “news” source or a better term “hate source.” They have few facts and much hate. Huffington Post wants very much for the government to control healthcare. Dr. Ballard also cites a poll published March 2008 in the Annals of Internal Medicine that 59 percent of 2,193 physicians “support government legislation to establish national health insurance.” March 2008? Those doctors had no clue what was going to be in the monstrosity called Obamacare that came out 18 months later.

So I would suggest the good doctor stick to being a doctor and not cherry picking liberal polls and read the important stuff in The Courier-Herald like “learning gardening tips from Marianne, checking the high school sports scores and other newsworthy tidbits.”

The Huffington Post? You have to wonder where the doctor get her medical news from.

Doug Frame