Study does not link immigrants with violent crime

This news from the left-wing commie agency, the FBI, as reported by the socialist magazine, Newsweek, May 27, 2010. U.S. cities with the highest number of immigrants rank among the lowest cities re: violent crime.

Hmm – what?

The tea party and Repugnicans have lied about something? No! Never! I suspect Repugnicans and their offshoot tea people, simply due to their nonChristian mind set – lacking a sense of compassion, empathy and equality, Christian values all – never gave a thought this might be the case. In other words, they show evidence of being, as a group, retarded socially, as did the Orthodox Jews and Romans of Jesus’ time. At least now they are in the minority as the march of history plainly shows. (Which may be an underlying reason Repugnicans keep trying to rewrite history.)

This is where I struggle mightily with President Obama and his efforts to work with conservatards and Repugnicans. It’s pointless. They cannot change according to another article from a paper published from the University of Toronto in this month’s Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. They’re hard-wired to be cold, fearful of social change. And I repeat, of course Repugnicans will be able to find hard evidence of crimes committed by minorities – they too have their gun nuts, etc. We, the human race, are definitely a work in progress, as we’ve had only one perfect man yet – Jesus, though of course I am a close second – LOL.

However, back to being serious, I commend the first sentence of this letter to the reader. Minus my rhetoric these reports bear thoughtful reading.

Dan Scribner
