It didn’t take long at all — and I actually thought that people would at least wait until those families struggling with this horror had time to put their little ones to rest. Silly me.
No surprise that Michael Moore is flapping his gums already, soon to be followed, I’m sure, by the usual suspects from the cesspool known as Hollywood.
U.S. Sen. Feinstein has already called for the president to reimpose Clinton’s ridiculous “assault weapons” ban and I read that a petition to “Do Something Now,” signed by about 120,000 people, has been delivered to the White House. President Barack Obama called for “meaningful action” to prevent such shootings at a press conference.
See, here’s the problem: now is not the time to “do something.” Give people time to rest, time to heal, then we can begin a discussion. When emotions are high is when people make knee-jerk decisions and those who would strip us of our freedoms will pounce.
Do the words “Never let a good crisis go to waste” sound familiar? Here’s another one you may have heard recently: “The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.”
Here is the cold, hard truth my friends…criminals and crazy people don’t always follow the law. Being a law-abiding citizen takes effort. One must first acknowledge that a law exists, that it applies to them and then one must make the conscience choice to obey said law.
Ban every gun, label them all “assault weapons” and it will make no difference whatsoever. Hey, I have an idea, let’s create more “gun free zones” that will keep us all safe from those criminals and crazy people right? But have you ever stopped to consider why it is that nearly all these mass causality incidents (PC in action here, folks) occur in these “gun free zones”? Could it be, ya think, that those criminals and crazy people have figured out that “gun free zone” means “target-rich environment” with no threat to them?
Could it be that they are in reality cowards that seek out the weak and unarmed? I can think of some meaningful action which would prevent such incidents, can you?
When Israelis were faced with attacks in their schools they did what any clear-thinking people would do — they armed their teachers and school staff. It’s a funny thing…when criminals, crazies and terrorists start dying (instead of their intended victims) the number of attacks drops very quickly and then all but stops…hmmm…
So, by all means let’s have a debate, but not a debate over how many more ineffective gun laws we can come up with, but rather one on how to really stop these tragedies from occurring.
In closing here’s another quote you’re probably not familiar with: “The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that’s good.” – George Washington
Tim Personius