In regard to your article on the Sumner-Buckley Highway (Courier-Herald, March 31).
I agree with (Buckley) Mayor Pat Johnson. The road should stay as it is.
I have watched Bonney Lake grow over the years and some not for the good. The planning commission sometimes doesn’t think things through, I believe. And why is it that the people of the city don’t seem to here about some of these things until its too late?
And since there thinking of renaming the highway, why not rename it for the tribe that used to use the trail before it was a road if they want to dig into history. Of course no one can probably find out the true name of the original tribes who used to use it. I bet that Mr. Morrison doesn’t even know that it used to be an old Indian trail.
And most all of the previous name changes of roads in other areas haven’t been accepted to well by most locals. Ask anyone who has lived in the area all there lives and I’m sure they will agree.
Everyone I have spoken with agrees that the Old Sumner-Buckley Highway should stay as it has been. If you have trouble saying it because it’s too long well, move. Or practice saying it a few times, it’s not that difficult.
Erect a memorial for the veterans, Mr. Colbeth, like most cities do.
When they have changed roads names in the past, local people still call the road by the original name. Change is not good except for the developers.
Shannon West
Bonney Lake