Trump is a sickness worse than COVID

Being a leader means taking responsibility.

“The buck stops here.” — President Truman

This is a repudiation of Mr. Hobbs’ “Why is Trump so supported?” letter published May 13. If Trump “takes no responsibility” how can he be a “serious leader” or one of “our greatest presidents”? How can anyone support a president who has brought this country to its knees?

Please examine your conscience and answer truthfully: Would you allow your loved ones to board an airplane if you knew the pilot lacked the basic knowledge and intelligence for how to pilot a commercial jet?

The flaws in Trump’s character and in his presidency should not be dismissed as “political correctness and group-think.” How do you know that “brashness, willingness to confront [and the use of] abusive language” are traits that “are not uncommon in New York”? Does it make it acceptable?

American trade with China is a symbiosis. Trump uses China steel and aluminum to build his hotels. It is no mistake or a conspiracy that American companies and their CEOs welcome trade with China. You can not have it both ways: enjoy buying inexpensive products made in China and scapegoat the Chinese.

Immigrants from Mexico and from Central America are generally God-fearing, law abiding and are fearful of American law enforcement. Immigrants are filling employment positions in hotels, restaurants, farming, landscaping, nursing homes and as home health care providers; among other low-wage employment. Trump’s xenphobic message sings to the people in his base. Do you think Trump has illegal immigrants working in his hotels? Let’s talk about immigrants on the other end of the workforce spectrum: many immigrants come to this country and realize the American Dream by opening up their own stores or franchises. Many work in healthcare (physicians and nurses), high technology and in academia/research; among other things. Why are so many people in Trump’s base threatened by immigrants who want to realize the America Dream?

Please read the New York Times, 10/2/2018, feature article reporting Trump’s history of avoiding paying taxes. Trump is ultimately helping the rich, corporate America and his brand. Please tell me how you personally are benefiting from Trump’s economic policies during this recession. Meanwhile, the wealthy class continues to fleece America.

Journalists are now reporting that Trump and his administration purposefully ignored the early intelligence and warning signs for the Coronavirus threat. Trump dismissed the threat as a “hoax” and painted the threat as hysteria by liberals during many of his post-fundraising meetings-with-rich-donors rallies. On Jan. 22, Trump said, “We have it [the coronavirus threat] all under control.” There were 6 deaths in the US on Jan. 30. At this writing, there are 1,300,000 reported cases and there are 82,0000-plus reported deaths in the US due to this plague.

This country will be sick from Trump’s toilet paper presidency for a long time. He will leave America divided and with the worst economy of all time.

Stanley McKie
