Vote against socialism during the next election | Letters

They officially call it the Affordable Healthcare Act. Those are pretty deceptive words.

They officially call it the Affordable Healthcare Act. Those are pretty deceptive words.

I have not heard nor read a single item in this new law that would even suggest anything will reduce the cost of healthcare in America. In fact, everyone that can understand the language in this law says it will dramatically increase the cost of healthcare in America. This will accomplish one thing for certain. It will reduce jobs. It will take money from individuals that have jobs and the businesses that employ them and give that money to others.

During this entire fight to force this law through, Obama in his own words argued “this is not a tax.”

The Supreme Court comes along and says the law is fine and dandy because apparently, it is a tax and Congress has the authorization to tax. Obama is either: 1) the most gifted deceiver/liar ever to hold the presidency; 2) was the luckiest president in history; 3) someone threatened one or more members of the Supreme Court; 4) someone bribed one or more members of the Supreme Court.

If this is not fact, then Congress and the president now have authorization to force American citizens to purchase one of those pop can “dumb” cars. And those of you who refuse to purchase a green “dumb” car will be taxed several thousand dollars a year for not complying with what government instructed you to purchase. No? Within the 2,000-plus pages of the Affordable Healthcare Act there is wording that authorizes government to impose additional high taxes onto doctors that do not accept Medicare and Medicaid patients. This very closely follows specific definitions of fascism and other forms of socialism via “strict governmental control.”

The Affordable Healthcare law is slowly and progressively implemented so you aren’t shocked by what’s happening to your freedom and money. Just like this state’s seatbelt law and cell phone law. The government said: “Oh, we won’t be allowed to pull you over and just give you a ticket for that offense, we will have to pull you over for some other reason first.” A few months after the law passes, guess what?

I learned in school in the 1970s that fascism, communism and all forms of socialism were totally against the United States of America’s foundations and principles. We sent our young men to fight to their death against these regimes! For what? So we can have a president and his progressive friends embrace convenient parts of fascism, communism and socialism in order to bring down America. Wake up, American citizens! If you have a job or want a job I sure hope you vote against socialism in the next election.

P.S. Great job Lori Whitman and Georgette Goudy and their family for placing American flags all over and everywhere last week. You’re great Americans.

Ted DeVol
