As a small-business owner, I am disgusted with our Legislature. What are they thinking? Raising more taxes is wrong. They need to do what we are all doing. Relook at contracts that are too expensive; cut hours; don’t layoff, just prune hours and salaries. They need to stop adding to our tax burden. Our small business taxes are obscenely high and are driving many out of business. Bankers in this area need to start reaching out to small business owners to help them. Sitting on their bailout money does no good for anyone.
Consider my case. Like many others, I am filing my tax return today (April 15). Like many others, I do not have the money to pay for it so will hope to be able to set up a payment plan to cover it.
This is a reflection of my financial life. Like so many others, the last three years have been a disaster financially for me personally and for my business, the Krain Corner Inn.
The Krain, which really is a part of the life of this Plateau, is struggling to maintain its quality and ambiance despite all the things that have gone on over the past three years. Everyone in Enumclaw knows what the bridge closure did to Enumclaw and Black Diamond, just look around at all the empty storefronts. So, despite the loss of our owner, cost of a new hood (state mandated), two robberies, endless rounds with electrical inspectors, etc., etc., and the loss of customers for eight months of the bridge being out and the turndown in the economy, we persist.
My great staff have made sacrifices in work and time and given their all to keep the place going. Many of them have been here the whole time we have owned the Krain and love it, too.
In addition, we have been heartened by the reponse to our Krain Corner booster program. The people who have joined it have helped us make enough for the last month and hopefully for the next few months to allow us to apply for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy which will eliminate onerous penalties and interest on back taxes while allowing us to keep going. We have to make money to go bankrupt! Thank you to every booster. We hope many more will join to save our wonderful old historical landmark.
Thank you to all our wonderful customers who have helped keep us going. Each of you knows how much we appreciate all the various kindnesses you have shown us. We hope you all keep coming and bring more in to join our Krain Corner Boosters. With community support, we may just keep on going into the Krain’s second century.
Karen Hatch, owner; Lori Morin, manager; and all our wonderful staff