I would believe the readers of this paper would be very entertained if the editor were to dig deeper into the legal specifications required by law for building the 410 Mosquito Farm (wetlands).
If it weren’t so ridiculous and such a massive waste of the taxpayers’ lifeblood, it might be funny. But how funny is it that it will cost the taxpayers well over $500,000 in the end, to build and maintain one mosquito farm? All this because the city needed to expand the treatment plant into an area that had not a pond on it, but wet dirt, during the rainy season. Kind of like the whole west (wet) side of the state. What’s not wet over here most of the year? As if the state and county government have not spent us into a slave state. They are continuing to spend and are forcing little towns to do the same.
In the Courier’s article it said, “Specifications call for the installation of 11,187 trees and shrubs, 12,933 emergent sedges and rushes and approximately 130 habitat logs.” I’m sure the collage-educated, eco-wing nut that came up with those exact numbers will go out and count each and every tree and shrub for fear that the mosquito farm won’t be the perfect ecosystem for emerging mosquitos, if it’s one short of emergent sedges or rush. Due to these state and county eco laws the city was forced to kill thousands of earthworms, ground spiders, slugs and other ‘lil bugs, a bunch of field mice and probably a few bunny rabbits. This is done so that humans can feel good tearing up 8.3 acres of grasslands habitat, running bull dozers, loaders and tractors over the ground to make ugly piles of stripped logs and a couple of mud puddles so that…
I guess so that a skilled earth engineer can make $400,000 to ensure that mosquitos can breed in man-made mud puddles? I don’t know. I’m sure it will save thousands of salmon though. And for sure save the planet. Oh, don’t forget the black and the orange fencing that we will have to look at for years. Until it fades, falls down and generally looks terrible. By the way, the fencing costs over $4 a linear foot, per color.
And if the fencing gets trashy enough the city will be forced to install new fence and in the end it goes to the landfill and takes up a bunch of room and takes 10,000 years to decompose. Oh, but is all good. It’s taxpayers money.
Now, get on the Web and pull up an earth mapping site. Zoom in and pinpoint the 410 mosquito farm. Now zoom out and ask yourself how this is going to save the planet? But $500,000 would sure fix a lot of school buildings, wouldn’t it?
And that’s just one mosquito farm.
Deloris Timmons
Bonney Lake