We’ve trashed Washington

Letter to the Editor: We’ve got to get better at policing those who make this state filthy.

We just returned from a trip where we drove through parts of North and South Carolina and Tennessee.

I was impressed with how clean their roadsides and freeways were, almost litter free.

Why is that?

Well, littering is against the law in those states. Washington used to have that law too. However, we don’t arrest those who defecate on public sidewalks much less someone who tosses a beer can out the window. The dumps are low cost to free in Tennessee, explaining why there weren’t old sofas, refrigerators, etc. on the sides of the country roads like there are in our rural areas.

What a bunch of hypocrites we are in Washington State touting to be the Evergreen State, all about the environment, promoting alternative energy and saving the salmon.

Our freeways and underpasses are filthy from rubbish either thrown out or blown out of vehicles. Add to that the blue tarps and trash generated by the homeless who encamp along the I-5 corridor in Seattle.

I saw with fresh eyes the state I have lived my entire life and it was embarrassing.

Debra Taylor
