Tyrean Martinson grew up on the Plateau but now resides in Gig Harbor. Her recently published book, “Champion in the Darkness”, is a Christian young adult novel with fantasy and science fiction elements.
Martinson credits her imagination and career as a writer to growing up on Florence Street in Enumclaw. As an only child, she had plenty of time to roam the wide-open spaces and climb trees to her heart’s content.
“When I climbed Mt. Peak with my dog, I would make up stories about the trail and the old watch-tower at the top,” she said.
Martinson has a degree in secondary education, which she utilizes to home school her two daughters. She also volunteers at several schools and churches, where she often teaches writing and literature.
Martinson didn’t always label herself a Christian writer. In the past, she said her stories were good, but the characters lacked faith. By introducing Christianity to their lives, her characters finally began to form the personalities and layers she was striving for, she said.
Martinson said she doesn’t believe magic is an inappropriate topic for Christian youth. The magic in fantasy fiction is symbolic of the power struggles presented in reality, she said. She uses magic as a way to interpret the struggle between light and dark; good and evil. The heroine of her book receives power from faith, as opposed to the villain, who receives power from darker elements.
“The villainess, Kalidess, is a dark sorceress whose power comes from pain, despair, and destruction. I try to make a clear distinction between the two types of power, and the way that they are used.”
Before the book was released, Martinson already began writing the second installment of the trilogy. There is no projected release date, as of yet. Champion in the Darkness can be found at Barnes and Noble and Amazon, as well as the Gig Harbor Pierce County library.
For more information, please visit tyreanswritingspot.blogspot.com