GO GREEN: Being green doesn’t have to be costly

Many people believe adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle is expensive. Although there are some eco-conscious products and practices that can be pricey, most people will find going green doesn't have to cost a lot.

Many people believe adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle is expensive. Although there are some eco-conscious products and practices that can be pricey, most people will find going green doesn’t have to cost a lot.

Installing extensive solar panels or switching to organically grown food are ways to be green, but such decisions can prove costly. Fortunately, there are many other ways to go green without spending much.

1. Wash laundry in cold water. Only use warm water when washing heavily soiled items

2. Clean filters in the car and home routinely. Clean filters enable items to operate more efficiently.

3. Turn down the temperature on the water heater.

4. Recycle everything you can. If your town or city doesn’t collect recyclables, take them to the transfer or recycling center.

5. Buy recycled products.

6. Switch to a low-flow toilet or place a water-filled plastic bottle in the toilet tank to cut down on the amount of water used.

7. Remove excess items, including golf clubs or fishing gear, from a car trunk to improve fuel efficiency.

8. If possible, walk or bike to work instead of driving.

9. Work more from home if your company allows it.

10. When cooking smaller meals, save energy by using a microwave or toaster oven.

11. Mend clothing before buying new items.

12. Use a water filter on your faucet instead of purchasing bottled water.

13. Compost food scraps for the garden.

14. Skip take-out food or convenience items, which use a lot of packaging and mass-produced meats.

15. Grow your own food and herbs in a backyard garden.

16. Put on or remove layers of clothing instead of adjusting the thermostat in the house.